I've been listening to you, and in response, I've lowered the "Choose Him Again" group bundle price to $4.99. I want to make it as affordable as possible. I hope that's helpful.
And since I'm on the topic of listening to you, here are the 4 most frequently asked questions from my customers, and my answers:
1. Why isn't your music free? (We're used to getting Church music for free)
Okay, nobody's ever come right out and said exactly those words, but they've asked it indirectly many times. And believe me -- I've asked the question to myself many times. I wish I could give it all away, but I can't, and this is why:
I don't arrange, perform, produce, or transcribe the music. I just write it. So I have to pay other people to do all that. Without their help, you'd never be able to hear the song before you ordered it, and you'd only receive a piece of hand-written notation paper with a melody line and a few inaccurate chord symbols.
I won't say how much it costs to produce one song, but I will say that I've only ever made all my expenses back on two of my songs. And I bet you can guess which ones they are. :)
If I don't charge -- and charge enough -- for the music, then I can't keep doing this.
2. Do you sell CDs?
I tried that. And it was a colossal waste of money and time. I did everything myself -- including designing the booklet insert and shipping everything. I even had a little 'shipping station' in my garage. Every time I received an order, I'd have to go out there and package, label and tape everything up, then drive to the nearest Post Office and send it. What a pain! (I'm not com-plaining -- just EX-plaining. Well, maybe both.)
Anyway, after a few days of that, I almost dreaded getting orders at all. And another week down the road, I vowed never to do that again. And I haven't.
3. Can I get your music on iTunes?
Yes! (Most of it, anyway.) Search the iTunes store on my name and the name of the song and you'll be able to download directly from there!
4. Why don't you write more music?
Well...that's a loaded question, and it has two answers:
Answer #1 is I do. I have lots of songs I haven't put out there yet. Some of them I plan to post during the first few months of the year:
SEND ME (about missionary work),
FOREVER IN MY SOUL (about grief and how we can find solace through Jesus Christ), and
CLOSER TO HEAVEN (a Mother's Day song).
I'm also working on a series of children's keep watching for those.
The 2nd answer to 'why don't I write more music' is that this is just a part-time effort for me. I would like to devote more time to it, but I have a busy life outside the music.
If you've read my blog before, you'll know that I refer to myself as "the accidental songwriter." Because I never planned to write music at all, let alone put it out there so other people can sing it. So I'm just grateful for this little 'miracle' in my life, and trying to keep moving forward, as time allows, writing a few songs here and there.
Please let me know what you think I should write about next.
And thanks for listening,
Thanks for your comment. Okay – I’m not going to apologize any more. (My husband’s been saying this for a really long time.)
In fact, I’m not even going to talk about this subject any more. Yay! I feel a sense of freedom coming on.
Thanks again — your comment was helpful. And have a very merry Christmas,
I am wanting to know if I can get the star still shines in a lower key? I have some vocal issues from some recent Health trauma and I can’t do it as high as it is written right now- but I’d like to use it and next Sunday if possible. Please let me know if it’s possible. Thank you
Re: why isn’t the music free.
As I recall, the Bible (Acts18:3) makes note that Paul works to meet living expenses etc. Some argue whether it was tents, document covers/binders, or talit (head cover when reading at the synagogue) – he still worked and got paid.
He also had benefactors that helped cover costs and expenses related to ministry, and likely costs related to his time in Rome and prison.
It’s fair that you make a living from the work you do – writing and music – as a listener, enjoyer (is that even a word?) it is also fair for us to “employ” you for the… refection, peacefulness, and inspiration your words/music provides to us personally and support the expenses – as benefactors – related to your music ministry to us and others.
As Glen noted, there are expense that have to be met… creativeness still has expenses – When tallied up – things cost what they cost.
Let me I encourage you – don’t apologize, instead continue to give thanks and glory to God for the talents and gifts.
I think the kids need a song about being kind to each other-tolerance, acceptance and love. They all feel so isolated and we live in a tough world.I would love if you wrote a song about friendship and kindness. Thanks, Shawna!
Love your music! Thank you for sharing it with the world! Excited to see what you come up with next. :)
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