Four weeks to serve. One perfect example. I love this Christmas tradition, sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's an effort to remind us to give as Jesus gave, one person at a time.
Download a free #lighttheworld calendar here.
Share how you're lighting the world by commenting below -- and if you have a picture to send with it, I would love that! (send it separately to shawna(at)shawnaedwardsmusic(dot)com and I'll add it to the blog.) When I see your comment, I'll send you whichever you want -- an mp3 or the sheet music of "He is the Gift."
I'll be sharing how our family is lighting the world in the next few blog posts.
There’s a neighbourhood family who just lost their dad from cancer, so we had them over for an evening to decorate gingerbread houses and have fun treats and games!
My elementary music choir performed their concert, including your lovely I’d Sing You a Song to light the world. My upper grade bell choir played at local care centers and Festival of Trees. We would love the sheet music to add to our song selections.
We did a neighborhood clean up and actually filled several trash bags just by picking up litter around our block. Neighbors smiled and waved and thanked us for taking the time and making an effort to beautify our neighborhood.
This week I paid some student lunch accounts that were overdrawn.
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